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T-Ball (6U)

Five and six year olds play in the T-Ball league. Several practices are held in April, once the weather breaks. Teams play every Saturday morning and one night per week (Monday through Thursday) from early May until mid-June.  You can expect to play 10 to 11 games.  Players are divided into teams of 7 or 8 and receive a uniform shirt and hat.  We generally are able to honor requests for children to be placed on teams with friends or to facilitate families sharing transportation. No records or team standings are kept. As in all leagues, parents of the players provide coaching.

T-Ball allows young players to continue to develop their skills. We provide structured pre-game drills for skill development.  Batters all start swinging at a RIF ball placed on a tee. Fielders play normal positions with no catchers. The team at bat continues to hit until all players have had a chance to hit.  Coaches are allowed in the field as well as along the baselines. Games continue for three innings or 1 ½ hours, whichever comes first. As the season progresses and player skills develop, coaches may pitch underhand to the players.