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Honeoye Falls-Lima Sports

HFLM Youth Baseball Leagues


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League Overview

HFL - Mendon Youth Baseball has several leagues available for kids from age 4 through 17.  Games are played at the Mendon field complex behind St. Catherines Church and in Lima at the Red Willison fields in Mark Tubbs Park.  For more details, select from the leagues listed in the above header.  The leagues are briefly described below.

    Note: Players are eligable to "play-up" to the next level pending a safety evaluation. See the "Play-up criteria" link to the right for the play-up eligabiltiy requirements.

Drills & Skills - This league is for 4 year olds who want to have fun and learn some of the most basic skills of baseball.  The league meets during May and June on Saturdays.

T-Ball - This league is for players ages 5 and 6. Players have the opportunity to hit off a tee, run the bases, and field the ball.  This is an introductory league that teaches basic baseball skills while the kids have fun.  Outs are not recorded - each player hits every inning.

Intermediate - This league is for players ages 7 and 8.  Players hit a RIF (reduction in force) ball from a spring-loaded pitching machine.  The players in the field will play the ball to record an out.  At the intermediate level; there is also an opportunity to play on a summer travel team and Fall Ball.

Minors - The Minors league takes baseball to the next level with the use of a regulation ball, walks, and limited base stealing.  This league is for players age 9 and 10.  With this league, there is an opportunity to play summer travel baseball as well as Fall Ball.

Majors - This league is for players age 11 and 12. This league plays on 50'/70' diamonds in Mendon and Lima.  Expanded rules allow for leading off, base stealing and called balks.  There is the opportunity to play on a couple of competitive travel teams including the "Storm" which plays in a week long tournament in Cooperstown, NY.  Fall Ball is also available in Sept/Oct.

13-16 HFLMYB Teams - There are teams available for 13/14 year old players (Juniors) and 15/16 (Seniors).  12 year olds may "play up" in Juniors and 14 year olds may "play up" in Seniors.  These teams are Little League affiliated and home games are played on our 90 foot diamond, Moffitt Field.

MCBR Teams - HFLMYB sponsors teams that play in the Monroe County Baseball Region league (MCBR).  In 2019 we will have five teams participating (2 in 12U, 2 in 15U, 17U).  Games run from mid-May through mid-July with most of the games played in June and July.  Home games are played on our 90 foot diamond, Moffitt Field with some overflow to the HFL varsity field if scheduling requires.

Fall Ball- Offered at the 8U, 10U, 12U, 13U and 15U levels, depending on interest. Fall Ball is a travel league, with games generally played on Saturday afternoons beginning right after Labor Day and continuing to late October/early November as weather permits.


Go to the 'Leagues' drop down tab above to view upcoming games for your division and your team